"Introduction to C programming Language"

 Introduction To C -for beginners.

 Generally speaking, for conveying some message or to interact with someone we use Language as a medium.

Similarly, to communicate with a computer we need a language. There are different types of languages that are used to provide a set of instructions to a computer, they are known as  Programming Languages.

Programming languages are classified into 3-types:

1. Low-level programming language: -

In this type of programming language, the communication with the system is in the binary format, (i.e., 0's and 1's) which can be directly executed. These low-level programming languages provide instructions that can be used to perform low-level operations like memory management, etc.

   Example: - assembly language and machine language.

2. Middle-level programming language: -

In this type of programming language, the communication with the system is in the form of English text which is easily readable/understandable by humans

   Example: - C-language, C++ and java are few examples of Middle- level programming languages.

3. High-level programming language: -

These are the languages that support both features of low-level and Middle-level. These are also written in human-readable text. They typically use tools like compilers to convert the human-readable instructions (high-level language constructs) into low-level executable code (usually in binary format).

   Example: - python, javascript, ruby, PHP, Perl, C# are few examples of High-level programming languages.

  • C is a type of middle-level programming language.
  • Here in this blog, we will discuss the basics of the C programming language.
  • C programming language was developed by Dennis Ritchie as the successor of the B language.
  • C programming language can be used to create computer applications, writing embedded software, and writing applications that extend an operating system's functionality.

Let us understand, a basic program to print "Hello C" in the C programming language. 

Program: -

#include <stdio.h>

void main() {

    printf("Welcome to C!");

    return 0;


Output: -

Welcome to C!


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